We have been very busy for the past month on several of the Finger Lakes and especially Honeoye Lake. July 24th we took a couple on Seneca Lake and caught a nice mix of smallmouth and largemouth bass. The smallmouth were caught on tubes and the largemouth on wacky rigged trick worms. The next day, a trip to Skaneateles Lake gave up 20+ smallmouth bass, but most were smaller buck bass. A fun time using a spinnerbait and mixing in a Texas rigged green pumpkin baby brush hog.
Early July we spent time on Honeoye Lake and Canandaigua Lake. The little lake produced great numbers of medium sized bass on Zoom trick and finesse worms. When the bass buried up in the weeds, the green pumpkin baby brush hog worked. Mixed in with the plastic baits was a double willow leaf spinnerbait that worked. The first two trips on Canandaigua were a test at best, but now that the water has warmed, it is producing some good numbers using plastic baits. The same Zoom worms being used on Honeoye.
Honeoye Lake has been the producer and the best place to teach people what the “bite” feels like. Very seldom do you feel an actual bite, but more of a pressure, so set the hook. Sometimes it is weeds and sometimes those weeds swim, so do not question whether it is a bass or weeds; snap your wrist and set the hook.
We have had variable conditions on the little lake (Honeoye) this year, with water temperatures rising then falling several degrees. Water levels are down due to the lack of rain, and we have a slight algae bloom with the weeds growing. Through all of this, I have found the evening bite usually better than a daytime bite. Overcast days and low light conditions seem to position bass so they are easier to locate and catch.
Tennity’s Guide Service is not sponsored by Zoom baits, but I will tell you that they make some of the highest quality baits in the marketplace. Their color selection is second to none, and the price is very affordable. When you can purchase 20 quality worms for less than $4 versus 10 baits for $7, it is a no brainer.
DO NOT TAKE A KID FISHING, TAKE A KID CATCHING. Kids can get bored or lose interest very easy. If you do not know how to fish, the folks at the big box store are not your best source of rods, reels and terminal tackle. Bite the bullet and do an evening fishing trip with your daughter or son so they learn some basics about fishing. Start them on the right path and make it a family project to expand your angling knowledge and skills.
Good fishing, wear your life vest, and maintain a proper lookout.