Seneca Lake

I made the trip to Seneca on September 10th, and the day started off with problems right away. The power pole on the Triton experienced a leak in the hydraulic line, and I had to stop and tie the pole in the upright position. When I arrived at the Seneca Lake St. Park, there was a large sign stating that the boat ramp would close on September 9th. My wife then called and told me it was storming in Honeoye and the weather was headed my way. Seneca was really rough at the north end of the lake. My clients and I drove to the south end at Watkins Glen, waited for the showers to clear, then headed out for a day of fishing. As soon as we started, I noticed a problem with the electronics. The temperature was reading 54 degrees, but when I checked the other unit, it read the same. Needless to say, we had a tough day with the ultra cold water, but later, when we talked to three fishermen at the boat ramp who had been using live bait, they had not done any better than we had.

The next morning we met and launched at the Geneva ramp and headed south about a mile past Roy’s Marina. Using a mix of baits, we managed four largemouth bass and one northern pike. Actually, all the fish were caught on Stanley spinnerbaits.

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